Portable reader for record management

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Product Description

    The mobile reader can use the wireless infrastructure in the library to check the water and to search the archived records. Typically, it provides the flexibility to designate and check the subject of the water check, and it searches the records with the search function that is not searched during the score check and selects the specific records and searches them. In addition, it is possible to correct or rearrange the position of the archived recordings in the system at the site.

    Product Specification

    • Increase tag recognition distance and increase battery usage time
    • Multi-purpose display (event number, reader output value, number of tag recognition, etc.)
    • lang04Adoption of wireless interface (Bluetooth) method for convenience of movement
    • Easily navigate in narrow, shelving environments
    • Compact and lightweight reader, battery indicator

Other Images

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    Standing on a desk

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    Hand grip with reader

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    Mobile connectivity

    Link reader with mobile

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    Recognition performance test

    Recognize 200 tags in 7 seconds